About Beyond

Beyond is an online student publication that looks back and goes further. Produced by the UP Journalism Club, Beyond strives to do as its name suggests — challenging the limits of traditional reports by providing news analyses and news features of the concluding year’s top stories.


Frances Josephine Espeso

Anna Victoria Biala
Renee Aleyna Cuisia
Luisa Morales
Danielle Nakpil

Vice President for Academic Affairs
Bryan Ezra Gonzales

Vice President for Publicity
Nicole Agatha Cruz

Paul John Domalaon

The UP Journalism Club (UPJC) is is a pool of young writers and creatives working towards someday becoming journalists and movers of the media industry.

The oldest organization at the University of the Philippines College of Mass Communication, UPJC continues its tradition of critical thought and action through publications and activities that promote media literacy and ethical journalism.